Putting an end to stalking

For teachers in schools

We provide free downloadable materials to help you plan and deliver school assemblies or PSHE lessons on stalking. We also offer, subject to availability, a package including a Trust representative to lead an assembly in person and on-line training for staff going forward

School assembly

Our school assembly, suitable for Key Stage 3, 4 or 5 students, consists of a PowerPoint presentation with accompanying walk-through notes explaining what stalking is and why it is so dangerous

PSHE lessons

We provide quality-assured teaching materials and lesson plans on stalking and coercive behaviour—three lessons aimed at Key Stage 4 and a single lesson suitable for Key Stage 3.

School package

Our complete school package (subject to availability) provides
  • an assembly led by a representative of the Alice Ruggles Trust;
  • a full suite of resources, including PSHE lesson plans, walkthrough videos, and the assembly slides; and
  • online training for staff so they can confidently use the resources themselves and lead assemblies and lessons in the future.